TM 10-5410-223-14/1
e. Overhaul. Overhaul the floor assembly as
(a) Install hinge half
(5, fig. 6-8, sheet 1 of 2)
required to return to serviceable condition as per
and bracket assemblies (42, fig. 6-8, sheet 2 of 2)
Section III.
before placing roof assembly on shelter.
f. Assembly. Assemble the floor panel in reverse
(b) Because of the weight of the roof
order of disassembly using figure 6-9 as a guide and
assembly, four men, one at each corner, are required
observing the following:
to lift it back on the shelter.
(1) Install all rivets.
(c) In
installing latches (11, fig. 6-8, sheet 1
(2) Replace all potted inserts, as necessary.
of 2), observe that four latches point upward to mate
with strikes (31 ), the other four point downward.
(3) Seal all joints with sealant EC 776, 3M Co.,
or equivalent.
(4) Install the fixed floor assembly using figure
g. Installation. Install the floor panel as follows:
6-9 as a guide.
(1) Install the end panel assembly using figure
h. Refinish. The floor covering is a polyurethane
light green,
6-8 (sheets 1 and 2) as a guide and observe the
number SS516,
manufactured by the Zerock Corp. To refinish a
(a) Adjust sight level assembly (41, 42 and
repaired floor section, proceed as follows:
(1) Smooth all repair joints with sandpaper.
(b) With folding roof and floor panels in
Featheredge existing coating at edge of repaired
closed position, adjust folding panel latches (49) by
means of adjusting screw accessible from outboard
(2) Mix the 2-component floor coating material
end of latch to ensure tight closure of folding panels.
according to manufacturer's instructions.
(2) Install the side panel assembly using figure
(3) With a paint roller, roll on a suitable thick
6-7 as a guide. Adjust sight level assembly (19).
layer of floor covering. If no roller is available, pour
(3) Install the roof panel assembly using figure
the material on the strike-off with a straight edge.
6-6 (sheets 1 and 2) as a guide and observe the
(4) Allow coating to cure as per manufacturer's
recommendations before using floor.
c. Exterior Surfaces. Exterior surfaces and
6-10. General
components shall be primed with one coat per TT-P-
This section provides information necessary for
666. Apply two finish coats of Specification TT-E-
the overhaul of the multipurpose shelter, body
527 enamel (color X34087). Air dry 8 hours.
assembly. Seal assemblies are to be removed and
d. All Interior Surfaces. Interior shall be primed
replaced on a yearly basis. The interior and exterior
with one coat of primer per TT-P-666. Apply two
shall be painted on a yearly basis.
finish coats of SPEC TT-E-527, Color 24516. Air dry
6-11. Panel Assemblies Overhaul
8 hours.
Overhaul of the panel assemblies shall consist of a
e. Quality Control Requirements.
complete inspection for corrosion, dents, scratches,
(1) A sufficient number of parts shall be
nicks, or other surface irregularities. Use emery
examined to assure acceptable quality of finishing on
cloth to dress to a smooth surface all nicks, cuts,
all parts. In general, the criteria listed in steps (2)
corrosion and scratches. Minor dents are acceptable.
and (3) shall be evaluated. Properties or performance
Cuts through the aluminum facing or large dents
characteristics other than those shown below may be
shall be repaired accordingly.
required by applicable drawings or other
authoritative documents.
6-12. Seal Placement
(2) The finish in all types shall show no visual
Replace seal assemblies as outlined in panel
indication of alligatoring, blistering, chalking,
disassembly under Organizational and/or Direct and
checking, cracking, crawling, flaking, lifting,
General Support Maintenance.
peeling, or sealing. The finish shall exhibit no sags,
6-13. Painting
runs, skips, shading, dusting, or dry overspray.
a. General. This procedure defines the surface
(3) Adhesion test shall be conducted on finished
preparation, type of primer, paint, and colors to be
parts at regular intervals. The tests shall be con-
used on all surfaces to be painted.
ducted on a sufficient number of parts selected at
b. Surface Preparation. The surface preparation
random to assure maintenance of a satisfactory level
shall be in accordance with MIL-T-704F.
of adhesion on all parts. In performing this test, it is