TM 10-5410-223-14/1
(k) Apply primer and, after primer is dry,
repaint repair area using paint conforming to Federal
In general, trimmed holes are not restricted as to size
or shape, however, those of rectangular, circular,
Standard 595A, Color Chip X34087.
square and oval and rectangular with round ends
(3) Repair to honeycomb panel with damage
usually are more desirable as to appearance and ease
to both surfaces. Panel damage which penetrates
of installation.
both surfaces shall be repaired using the procedure
(c) Clean the interior surface of the un-
given in paragraph (2), above. Both facings shall be
damaged facing with emery cloth, and a clean lint-
free cloth soaked with methyl-ethyl-ketone.
(4) Repair-to damaged honeycomb panel edging
(d) Cut a section of honeycomb core materiel
(closeouts). Repair damaged panel edging as follows:
the same size as the trimmed hole using the
(a) Remove the damaged phenolic edging
honeycomb core furnished with the repair kit.
with a sharp knife to cut away from honeycomb core,
(e) Fabricate plug patch plate which will
using care to prevent damage to honeycomb core and
overlap hole opening by approximately 3 inches (7.62
aluminum facing edge.
(b) Cut a section of phenolic edging the same
(f) Drill rivet holes in the patch plate using a
size as the damaged area and apply a thin coat of the
number 30 drill (0.128 - 0.132 inch (0.3251 - 0.3353
two part adhesive to the phenolic edging back.
cm) diameter) and spaced as illustrated in figure 4-
(c) Press the edging firmly in place and allow
to cure for a minimum of 8 hours.
(g) Drill matching holes in
panel using patch
(5) Repair to honeycomb floorpanel. Repair the
plate as template.
damaged floor panel as follows:
(h) Apply a thin coat of adhesive to the
(a) Trim and clean damaged surface as
cleaned interior facing (step (c), above) to the
described in paragraph (2), above.
edges of the honeycomb core.
(i) Insert the honeycomb core into the
surface of floor panel only.
trimmed area of the panel and press firmly in place.
(c) Fill interior floor surface around repair
Fill area above core with adhesive and place plug
patch with epoxy.
patch in position.
(d) After epoxy has hardened, smooth with
(j) Secure the patch plate in position using
1/8 inch (0.3175 cm) domed head blind rivets (from
(e) Refinish floor surface.
repair kit).
(2) Remove the web net assembly (2) from the
a. Removal. Removal of the cargo tiedown in-
cargo top.
(3) Remove the strap assembly (1) from the
a guide and observing the following:
shelter tiedown fitting by disconnecting the metal
by removing the tiedown ropes securing it to the ring.
Strap assembly (1).