TM 10-5410-221-14/1
(b) Trim honeycomb core with a knife to the
washers (39 and 40). Remove strike assembly (44) from
duct cover (42) by removing rivets (43). Remove duct
same size as the trimmed hole in the facing through the
cover seal (45) from duct port angle (49) by peeling away
from cemented area. Separate angles (49 and 50) by
removing rivets (48). Peel gasket (47) away from
cemented area on duct port angle (50).
In general, trimmed holes are not
(14) Remove screw (51), washer (52), clamp (53)
restricted as to size or shape; however,
and spacer (54) from panel.
those of rectangular, circular, square
(15) Remove seal (55) from peeling from cemented
and oval and rectangular with round
area on panel.
ends usually are more desirable as to
(16) Remove mobilizer scuff plate (57) by removing
appearance and ease of installation.
rivets (56).
(17) Disassemble support assembly (67) by
(c) Clean the interior surface of the undamaged
removing ball lock pins (59) and (61), cable (60), bolt
facing with emery cloth, and a clean lint-free cloth
(62), washers (63), nut (64), and pivot (65). On shelters
soaked with methyl-ethyl-ketone.
serial No. 185 thru 302, remove safety pin (66). Slip the
(d) Cut a section of honeycomb core material the
support foot half from the pivot half.
same size as the trimmed hole using the honeycomb
d. Repair. Repair damage to honeycomb panel using
furnished with the repair kit.
procedures outlined below. If possible straighten any
(e) Fabricate plug patch plate which will overlap
hold opening by approximately 3 inches (8 cm) on all
(f) Drill rivet holes in the patch plate using a
number 30 drill (0.128-0.132 inch (0.3251 cm -0.3353
Adhesives and solvents are highly
flammable; perform work in well
(g) Drill matching holes in the panel using the
ventilated area and away from fire.
patch plate as a template.
(h) Apply a thin coat of adhesive to the cleaned
interior facing (step (c) above), the edges of the
(1) Mixing of Two Part Adhesive.
Mixing of
adhesive, used for repair of honeycomb core, shall be
honeycomb core.
accomplished as follows.
(i) Insert the honeycomb core into the timmed
(a) Use a mixing ratio of from 50 parts
area of the panel and press firmly in place. Fill area
accelerator to 50 parts base by volume, to 100 parts
above core with adhesive and place plug patch in
accelerator to 100 parts base by volume.
(b) Add the proper amount of adhesive base and
(j) Secure the patch plate in position using 1/8
accelerator to a mixing cup (from repair kit) and mix
inch (0.3175 cm) domed head blind rivets (from repair
thoroughly using a mixing paddle from the repair kit. The
kit), using procedures given in section XII, chapter 4, as
pot life of the adhesive after mixing is 45 minutes.
(k) Apply primer and after primer is dry repaint
(2) Repairing honeycomb panel with damage to one
surface only. Repair damaged honeycomb panel as
repair area using paint conforming to Federal Standard
(a) Trim the damaged area of the aluminum
(3) Repair to honeycomb panel with damage to both
facing using tin snips, circular saw or other suitable tool
surfaces. Damage to a panel which penetrates both
surfaces shall be repaired using procedure given in
paragraph (2) above. Both facings ashall be repaired.
Change 1 8-13