TM 10-5410-221-14/1
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting -Continued
b. Installation
(1) Replace the circuit breaker to its original position.
(2) Install all mounting hardware.
(3) Connect all electrical leads and remove tags.
Step 3. Check for defective (worn or deteriorated) drain hose heater.
Replace drain hose as follows:
a. Detach from the drain quick disconnect type connector at the water service inlet or outlet boxes (fig. 2-1).
b. Detach the drain hose heater receptacle, if used, from the receptacle at the water service interior outlet
water boxes.
sewing repair procedure on air lock chamber
5-6. General
components. This type of stitch shall be formed with two
This section provides direct and general support
threads: one needle thread, A, and one bobbin thread, B.
maintenance personnel with general repair instructions
A loop of thread A shall be passed through the material
applicable to the fabric parts of the expandable shelter.
and interlaced with thread B. Thread A shall be pulled
back so that the interlacing shall be midway between
5-7. Repair Procedures For Sewn Fabric Parts
surfaces of the material or materials being sewn.
Use extreme care in cutting stitches to
5-8. Repair Procedures For Slide Fasteners
prevent cutting or other damage to fabric. If
a. Refer to TM 9-2865, Repair of Slide Fasteners,
fabric is cut or otherwise damaged, apply
and instructions listed in b. and c. below to replace slide
patch to damaged area.
a. Removal of Sewn Fabric Parts. Remove sewn
fabric parts by carefully cutting stitches securing parts
Use extreme care in cutting stitches to
with a seam ripper or other sharpened tool. Remove cut
prevent cutting or other damage to fabric.
stitches from fabric parts.
b. Remove stitching and take off old slide fastener.
b. Installation of Sewn Fabric Parts. Position parts
Replace with No. 10 2/8 inch (0.635 cm) long slide
to be sewn together and temporarily secure the position
faster listed in repair parts manual.
of parts. Sew parts together with five to nine stitches per
c. To stitch a new slide fastener place cover on
inch (2.54 cm). Use single needle or double needle
edge and run through a drop-table sewing machine
stitching as noted on removed part. Figure 5-2 illustrates