TM 9-2330-390-14&P
Dolly sets are shipped coupled in transport (raised) position; lift cylinder rods are extended. Apply a
light coat of lubricating oil (Item 23, Appendix F) to rods with a clean rag (Item 25, Appendix F). On dolly sets with
standard lift cylinders, pack recess between lift cylinder head inside diameter (wiper lip clearance bore) and wiper
lip with grease (Item 19, Appendix F). After shipment and before operation, remove oil coating and grease with a
clean dry rag.
Refer to FM 55-21, TM 55-601, and TM 743-200-1 for additional instructions on processing, storage,
and shipment of materiel.
Dolly sets that have been removed from storage for shipment do not have to be reprocessed if they
will reach their destination within the administrative storage period. Reprocess only if inspection reveals any corro-
sion or if anticipated in-transit weather conditions make it necessary.
When a dolly set is received and has already been processed for domestic shipment, as indicated on
DD Form 1397, the dolly set does not have to be reprocessed for storage unless corrosion and deterioration are
found during the inspection upon receipt. List on SF Form 364 all discrepancies found because of poor preserva-
tion, packaging, packing, marking, handling, loading, storage, or excessive preservation. Repairs that cannot be
handled by the receiving unit must have tags attached listing needed repairs, A report of these conditions will be
submitted by the unit commander for action by an ordnance maintenance unit.
Dolly set, attached to a fully loaded 8 x 8 x 20 ISO container, can be loaded onto a C-130 or C-141
aircraft using only itself and aircraft winch.
Pull dolly set backward into aircraft using aircraft winch attached to rear dolly pintle assembly.
During loading, adjust lift cylinders as required to ensure that shelter does not exceed height require-
ments or contact aircrafts ramp crest.
Once inside aircraft, lower shelter to floor and secure in tie-down position per data plate instructions
(see paragraph 1-12).
Change 3
4-405/(4-406 Blank)