TM 9-2330-390-14&P
Adjust rearview mirrors before backing. Have an assistant guide you while backing.
When towing vehicle and dolly set are in a straight line, rear of dolly set will move in opposite
direction of which front towing vehicle wheels are turned (e.g., when towing vehicle wheels are turned to right, rear of
dolly set will move to left; when towing vehicle wheels are turned to left, rear of dolly set will move to right).
To decrease angle of turn, gradually turn towing vehicle wheels in direction dolly set is moving. This
will gradually decrease angle until towing vehicle and dolly set are in a straight line.
Shelter Access. To ensure access into shelter through its door, rear dolly must be attached to door end
of shelter. Door to shelter may be opened by raising shelter 1-2 in. (3-5 cm) using lift cylinders.