TM 55-8115-200-23&P
(7) After any major repair to an empty container, a
stream of water from an O. S-inch nozzle at 15 psig shall be
applied to all joints and seams. No water entry into contain-
er is permissible after repair.
c. Repair Major roofpanel damage (containers num-
bered 12000 and higher) as follows:
(1) Do not attempt to repair by bolted and caulked
patches or fiberglass tape. Cut out the entire damaged cor-
rugated roof panel. Be careful not to damage side rails. See
Figure 4-10 for this and following steps.
(2) Cut out significant portion of new panel not to
exceed size of replacement panel.
(3) Remove paint from surfaces to be welded.
(4) Weld in new roof panel. Weld seams must be
continuous so that no water can enter through the roof. Use
E6017 electrode (item 1, App. D).
(5) Paint repaired area as shown in MIL-T-704.
After cleaning and treating, apply two coats of olive drab,
rust-inhibiting, semi-gloss enamel paint (item 2, App. D).
Allow overnight drying between coats.
(6) Water test the empty container. Use a stream of
water from an 0.5-inch nozzle at 15 psig to spray all joints
and seams. No water entry into container is permissible
after repair. If water enters, reweld or talk the seams and
4-12. Roof Bow (Fig. 4-9).
Repair roof bow as
a. Straighten the bow if it is bent but not cracked.
b. Replace the bow in accordance with Drawing No.
13219E0074 if it is cracked.
Figure 4-10. Roof Panel Repair
(Containers Numbered 12,000 and Higher)
Change 4