TM 5-1080-250-12&P
d) Each end is then folded alternately in 4 to 5 foot lengths towards the center
to create a rectangle approximately 2 feet wide and four feet long. Secure
folded screen in storage bag.
Rhombic Screen System. Spread the rhombic (diamond shaped) screen out on
flat ground.
(a) At the center of the rhombic screen, pick up a length (approximately 2 feet)
of screen from either side and make an S-shaped fold to the center of the
(b) Pick up an equal length of screen from the opposite side and make an S-
shaped fold on top of the first fold.
(c) Continue to make S-shaped accordion folds of equal size in the same
manner until the rhombic screen is completely folded.
(d) Each end is then folded alternately in 4 to 5 foot lengths towards the center
to create a rectangle approximately 2 feet wide and four feet long. Secure
folded screen in storage bag.
c. Roll Method for Multiple Screens. If necessary, leave multiple screens assembled
during redeployment or movements to save time. For transporting or storage of assembled
multiple screens, a roll method is recommended due to the bulk and weight. To save redeployment
time, the rolled screens should stay with the same object they concealed previously.
Recommended rolling and unrolling methods are described below. Refer to Figure 2-2.
Spread assembled multiple screens on flat ground, garnish side up. Fold two
longest outside edges to meet in the center of the screen area. Roll the folded
outside edges to meet in the center. Select one end of rolled screen and roll
toward the center, then roll the other end in the same manner. Use available
rope or strong twine to secure roll as necessary.
To redeploy screens, place the rolled-up screens in the center of the object to be
covered. Orient screens so that the longest outside edges, which unroll first, will
cover the proper areas. Unroll screen outward in both directions from the center,
then unroll and unfold from the sides. Make sure that Becket seams used for
ingress/egress are placed properly. When position of screens is correct, proceed
with installation of poles and stakes.
d. Special Tools. There are no special tool requirements for deploying, retrieving, or
maintaining the ULCANS. A hammer for driving stakes is required. A trenching tool or shovel for
leveling or clearing the area is recommended. Appendix E lists a hammer and additional
authorized items.