TM 10-8340-243-13&P
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) are performed to keep the MCPS in good
operating condition and ready for its primary mission. The checks are used to find, correct, and report
problems. PMCS is performed every day the MCPS is in operation, and is done according to the PMCS
table provided. Pay attention to WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE statements. A WARNING indicates
that someone could be hurt or killed. A CAUTION indicates that equipment could be damaged. A NOTE
may make your maintenance or repair task easier.
Be sure to perform scheduled PMCS. Always perform PMCS in the same order so it becomes habit.
With practice, you will quickly recognize problems with the equipment.
Use DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, to record any discovered faults.
Do not record faults that you fix!
Table 1 lists inspections and care required to keep your equipment in good operating condition. It is
arranged so that you can perform before operation checks as you walk around the equipment.
Explanation of Table 1 Columns
Item No. Indicates the reference number. When completing DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet, include the item number for the item to check/service indicating a fault. Item
numbers appear in the order you must perform the checks/services listed.
Interval. Indicates when you must perform the procedure in the procedure column.
Before - perform before equipment operation
During - perform during equipment operation
After - perform after equipment has been operated
Weekly - perform every week
Monthly - perform each month
Hours - perform at the noted hourly interval
Item to be Checked or Serviced. Indicates the item to be checked or serviced.
Procedure. Indicates the procedure you must perform on the item listed in Item to Check/Service
column. You must perform the procedure at the time specified in the Interval column.
Equipment Not Ready/Available If. Indicates faults which will prevent your equipment from performing
its primary mission. If you perform procedures listed in Procedure column which show faults listed in this
column, do not operate the equipment. Follow standard procedures for maintaining the equipment or
reporting equipment failure.
Other Special Entries. Observe all special information and notes that appear in Table 1. When a
check/service procedure is required for both weekly and before intervals, it is not necessary to perform
the procedure twice if the equipment is operated during the weekly period.