TM 10-8340-243-13&P
Operation in Dust Storms or Sand Storms
Check stakes and guy lines as often as possible, and apply extra guy lines and stakes if available.
Ensure all entrances and openings are secure.
Ensure all components are rinsed with fresh water as soon as often as practical, and before preparing
for movement.
Operation in High Altitude
The are no specific operational requirements or restrictions for operation in high altitudes.
Operation in Snow
If putting up the MCPS in snow conditions, gently press the snow down to provide a firm surface on
which to set up.
If ground is frozen too hard to drive steel tent pins, chop small holes to set them in. Fill holes with
slush or water and allow to freeze and anchor pins.
Check stakes and guy lines as often as possible, and apply extra guy lines and stakes if available.
Close and fasten all windows and doors.
Ensure no ice or snow accumulates on tent roof or in gutters.
Ensure all components are rinsed with fresh water as soon and as often as practical, and before
preparing for movement.
Operation in Mud
Check stakes and guy lines as often as possible, and apply extra guy lines and stakes if available.
Close and fasten all windows and doors.
Ensure all components are rinsed with fresh water as soon as often as practical, and before preparing
for movement.