b. Ventilation.
e. Tying Ventilator and Entrance Tie Tapes to Guy
(1) Tie ventilator and tunnel entrance tie tapes
to guy lines.
Ventilation is important in the mountain tent.
(2) Attach eave lines to the two loops on each side
because the cloth has been coated to make it
of tent and stake eave lines out to pins.
impermeable. The tent can be ventilated by
j. Anchoring Corner. When additional anchorage of
opening the tunnel entrances or by using the
tent is required. lines can be attached to the corner
built-in ventilators.
loops and secured to the guy-line pins.
(1) An 8-inch diameter ventilator with mosquito
netting at the outside opening is at each end of the tent.
In good weather the ventilators are kept wide open by
tying them to the guy lines with tie tapes (fig. 2-1). In
To achieve maximum mobility. the tent can be
storms, they are left hanging loosely to provide
pitched without using poles and pins; this
adequate protection as well as ventilation.
procedure is especially valuable in wooded
terrain. However. poles and pins should always
be available.
g. Pitching Tent Without Poles and Pins. The
The ventilators should never be closed when a
corners of the tent and the front and rear guy lines can
gasoline-burning stove is lighted.
be secured down with available sticks or stones. If the
(1) In cold weather. there is an additional reason
ridge of the tent sags, it can be supported by attaching a
for leaving the ventilators open. Unless the moisture
line to the loop in center of ridge and securing the line to
caused by breathing and cooking can pass off into the
a tree. Skis and ski poles can be owed in place of tent
outside air. it forms as frost on the roof of the tent. In a
poles and pins.
wind. this shakes off and wets clothes and sleeping
h. Pitching Tent in Rocky Terrain. In rocky terrain.
it may be impossible to drive tent pins into the ground.
c. Floor. The floor is constructed as an integral part
In this case. attach guy lines to rocks.
of the tent. Special care should be taken not to tear the
i. Pitching Tent in Loose and Powdery Snow
floor with boots.
Then the snow on which the tent is pitched is loose and
powder). the guy lines can be attached to ski poles or
2-5. Striking the Too-Man Mountain Tent
mountain axes. which are driven down into the snow
a. Untie ventilator and tunnel entrance tie tapes
after it has been packed. or the lines can be attached to
front guy lines.
a "dead man" anchor. This is made be burying a tent
b. Remote guy and eave lines from pins.
pin or stick horizontal. in a hole in the snow and
c. Remove pins from ground.
stamping snow on top of the anchor until it is thoroughly
d. Untie guy lines from webbing loops at front and
rear peaks of tent.
e. Unfasten adapters from poles and remote poles
2-4. Two-Man Tent Operating Procedures
iron tent disassemble pole..
a. Entrances.
2-6. Folding and Rolling the Two-Man Mountain
The tent has two tubular tunnel entrances,. 2
a. Place tent so that bottom iv flat on ground. Push
inches in diameter and 24 inches long.
ventilator: and tunnel entrance inside tent (1. fig. 2-2).
(1) A tunnel entrance can be closed by tying it
b. With one man at each end of tent make an
either from the inside or outside with tie tapes. To tie
accordion fold by folding one side of tent inward at
entrances wind tie tape around tunnel entrance as if
center and folding the other side over so that it corners
entrance were the mouth of a bag. and fasten it with a
bottom of tent (2).
half hitch.
c. Place pole sections. adapters. and pine- at
(2) A tunnel entrance can be kept open by pulling
center of one end of folded tent (3). Eave lines should
it out and securing it to a guy line with tie tapes (fig. 2-
remain attached.
11. or it can be rolled against the tent and secured by
d. Fold sides of folded tent over toward center (4).
tying the tie tapes on the tent through grommets on the
e. Starting at the end with pins and poles. Roll
outside opening of the entrance.
folded tent tight toward the other end (5).
(3) Tubular mosquito netting attached to the body
f. Tie rolled tent with guy lines (6). The tent can
of the tent inside the entrance tunnels can be closed by
now be placed on the pack or stored.
tying it tight either from the inside or outside by tie
tapes. To tie the mosquito netting. wind tie tapes
around opening of netting as if it were the mouth of a
bag and fasten it with a half hitch.