b. Perform the preventive maintenance checks and
2-1. Site Selection
Consider the following points when selecting a tent site:
2-3. Erecting the Two-Man Mountain Tent
a. The ground should he level end free from
projecting roots and rocks. When such a spot is not
available, a place can often be leveled and cleared. In
woods, moss and rocks can be used to level the ground.
Two men can pitch (erect) the tent in
approximately 10 minutes.
b. The ground should be high enough for good
(1) Spread tent on ground in position it is to
occupy, with desired color on outside; olive drab in
normal situations and white under snowy conditions. To
around the tent and digging an outlet ditch
reverse tent for proper color, pull inside of tent through
to divert water in the desired direction.
one of the entrance tunnels, taking care not to damage
(2) Assemble tent poles so that four poles of three
c. The site should be protected from wind and
sections are made. Place poles on ground alongside
the two tent pole adapters.
d. An area with a ground cover of tough top grass is
b. Inserting Poles Through Loops and Sleeves and
e. During hot weather, when possible, select a site
(1) Insert tent poles through corner loops and pole
that will provide ample shade.
sleeves of tent.
f. The tent should be placed far enough from rivers
(2) Attach pole adapters to tent poles.
and lakes so that it will be above the high-water mark.
g. In woods. the location should be away from
dead trees with large dead branches.
(1) Raise front tent poles and adapter to a
h. In mountainous country, the tent should not be
position so that front end of tent is vertical.
placed in a canyon or next to a dry creek bed. Such
(2) Place front guy line through ring of adapter
places can fill up with rushing torrents in a short time.
and stake guy line out to a pin in front of tent.
The tent should not be placed at the base of a cliff or
steep mountainside, where there may be danger from
avalanches and falling rocks.
(1) Raise rear tent poles and adapter to a position
2-2. Erecting the Shelter-Half Tent
so that ridge of tent is almost level and rear end of tent
is vertical.
a. Refer to FM 21-15 for instructions on erecting
(2) Place rear guy line through ring of adapter and
and striking the shelter-half tent.
stake guy line out to a pin to rear of tent.