ARMY TM 10-8340-211-13
AIR FORCE TO 35E5-1-101
(1) Dry lines properly after exposure to dampness. Lines are best dried when hung loosely between two trees or other
objects so that they do not come in contact with the ground.
(2) Keep lines clean. If lines become dirty, they should be washed in clean water and thoroughly dried. Grit from
sand, mud, or other materials, if allowed to remain and work into lines, will grind and wear the fibers.
(3) Protect lines from chemicals. Keep lines away from chemical or their fumes, especially acids or alkalis. Drying
oils, such as linseed oil, and paint will also damage lines.
(4) Slack off guy lines. When guy lines or other supports are exposed to the weather, slack them off to prevent
overstrain because of shortening from wetting.
(5) Replace lines which reflect wear that may decrease breaking strength.
Tent lines without adequate breaking strength for high winds and safety of personnel will not be used.
(6) Whip ends of lines to prevent raveling.
3-5/(3-6 blank)