TM 10-8340-208-13
g. Tent Erected Over Tank Track (F, fig. 2-4)
(2) Use the securing lines (7, fi-;2. 1-1) to secure one end of the tent along the side of the tank.
(3) Assemble the tent support by following the instruction in a above.
(4) Place the tent support away from the side of the tank and secure the tent to the ridge assembly (3, fig. 1-2)
h. Tent Erected Over Tank Between Two Shop Trucks (G, fig. 2-4).
(2) Use the securing lines (7, fig. 1-1) to secure one end of the tent over each truck.
(3) Assemble the tent support by following the instructions in a above.
(4) Place the tent support on the tank and one truck so that two legs are resting on the tank and two legs are
resting on the truck.
(2) Assemble the tent support by following the instructions in a above.
(3) Place the tent support on the rear deck of the tank, and drape the tent over the tank turret and the rear deck.
(5) Use the securing lines (7, fig. 1-1) to secure the t nt around the tank.
2-8. Striking Instructions
a. Tent Anchored to Ground.
If wood tent pins (1, fig. 1-3) were used, remove the guy lines (9, fig. 1-1) from the tent pins
before removing them from the ground.
(2) Untie the securing lines (7) from the tank or truck, and remove the tiedown straps (3) from the tent support.
Remove the tent (5) from the tent support and the tank or truck.
b. Tent Not Anchored to Ground.
(1) Untie the securing lines (7, fig. 1-1) from the tank or truck.
(2) Remove the tiedown straps (3) from the tent support.
(3) Remove the tent (5) from the tent support and the tank or truck.
(4) Remove the tent support from the tank.
2-9. General
This section provides the user with additional using instructions for the tent being used under conditions other than usual.
2-10. Windy Conditions
Be certain all guy lines (9, fig. 1-1), securing lines (7), and tiedown straps (3) are secured to prevent the tent from being
damaged by the wind.
2-11. Snow, Ice, and Rain
Remove snow and ice from the tent (5, fig. 1-1) before it
accumulates and causes damage to
the tent.
b. Loosen wet guy lines (9) to prevent damage to the tent but keep the lines taut at all times.