Figure 3-2. Do
purlinathmlgh the
theat9daof the long
purlinatud boleaintbein termedhte arch and
intothe inserta ofpurlinaextmdhg from the
~=f)=mk =iw k f~ as a ladder
(fig. 3-5). .
8. Aaaemble and connect additional inter-
mediate arcbeain aaimilar manner.
t. After thelaatintmnediate arch bas been
ammectul abort purlinawithatud
flanges (2, fig. 1-4) tothekwprlrlinstb rougb
thintermemate arch.
g.kiaeot heraswxnbkdend arc hand fitit
into the 6bort purlimL
LThread tbecaptive hex bolt60ftbe end
archinto ixwerta of theahortpuriina and
tighten (fig. 3-6).
3-9. Alining and Securing Arches
a. Alineeacb archwiththearcb Spacer as-
acxnbly. Fasten tbe J-book of the ~tOOIBl!
sideofan endarcbandthe Mook to the
other. Adjunt tbe arch (fig. 3-7) UM * *
spaer cable is tight
b. Secure ailarch ancborasaemblies totbe
ground with steel tent pins (fig. 3-8).
3-10. Attaching Tent Sections
a (herd. To attach the tent 813CtiOI16 (outer
akin) totbetent framqbegin at either ~
arch and pruceed as follows:
b. End SectioR
3 - 3