Figure 3-1. End
(3) Attach upper arch segment (11) to
left and right intermediate segments in a
similar manner.
(4) Place ends of transom chord and ends
of transom chord struts over the capscrews (8)
protruding from the intermediate arch seg-
ments. Fasten with the eye nut and chain
assemblies (7). The door winch and transom
chord assembly mounted on the arch assembly
is shown in figure 3-2.
b. Intermediate Arch. To assemble the in-
termediate arch, refer to figure 3-3 and pro-
ceed as follows:
(1) Arrange arch segments on ground
in proper order.
(2) Join the segments as described in
a(2) and (3) above.
3-8. Assembly of Frame
a. Attach 13 short purlin assemblies, both
ends of which have inserts (3, fig. 1-4), to the
captive hex bolts of an assembled end arch.
b. Place an assembled intermediate arch on
the short purlins. Insert studs of 13 long pur-
lins (1, fig. 1-4) through the purlin stud holes
in the intermediate arch into the flanges of the
short purlins (fig. 3-4). Hand-tighten all con-
c. Raise end arch and intermediate arch to
an upright position (A, fig. 3-5).
d. Assemble another intermediate arch as
described. Raise and connect it to the long
purlins protruding from the erected section.
To do this, work from the ground up, inserting