Figure 1-10. Window
section of the outer skin. For this same reason,
the edge of each intermediate liner section is
equipped with becket lacing; the other with
grommets. The grommets receive the becket
lacking from an adjacent intermediate section
or from end section A. The becket lacing is
laced through the grommets of an adjacent in-
termediate section or the grommets of end
section B. The use of grommets and lacings
is shown in figure 1-12.
1-7. Ground Anchors and Guy Assemblies
a. Ground Anchors. The erected tent is an-
chored to the ground by steel pins and arrow-
head-type ground anchors (A, fig. 113). The
driving rod (A,2) and driving rod holder
(A,3) assist in driving the anchors (A,1).
The erection kit issued with the tent included
50 anchors and 48 steel pins.
b. Guy Assemblies. Each guy assembly (B,
fig. 1-13) consists of an S-hook (B,1), cables
(B,2), toggle bar (B,3), toggles, (B,4) and
adjusting beads (B,5). These assemblies, ap-
proximately 11 feet long, secure the tent to
the ground anchors. Adjustment is made by
sliding the adjusting beads through the toggle
and locking it in position. The tent is issued
with six guy assemblies.
1-8. Wiring Harness Assembly
The wiring harness assembly (fig. 1-14) con-
sists of a circuit breaker assembly (1) with
hanger, a 27-foot long cord assembly with fe-
male connector (2), a 16-foot long cord with
female connector (3) and a 6-foot long cord
(5). The lighting and outlet assembly (4) con-
sists of two lamps with guards, two cords with
sockets, ground wires with test clips, and four
hangers. A complete wiring harness and light-
ing and outlet assembly is issued with each end
section. A lighting and outlet assembly is is-
sued with each intermediate section. The 6-foot
cord (5) is connected to an external power
source. The lighting and outlet assembly cords
connect to the 27-foot and 16-foot cord assem-
1-9. Covers
Covers (fig. 115) are
outer skin and liner
provided to protect the
during transport and