TM 10-8340-205-13&P
b. The tent body and cover are made of cotton duck material which is coated with a weather, water, and
mildew resistant compound. The cover is provided for use when the tent is being transported or in storage
(Section VI, Chapter 4). The tent body is supported by 13 upright poles and 2 ridge poles. When the side and
front walls are raised to form awnings, 11 additional poles are used. The walls are equipped with 8 slide
fasteners, but when the screen wall is installed, the slide fastener near the service window provides the only
entrance to the tent.
Figure 1-2 shows the general feature and major components of the kitchen tent.
1. Pole, upright, 7 ft. Ig. (2.135-meters)
2. Tent Body, front section
3. Tent Body, stack section
4. Pin, tent, 24 in (61.000-cm)
5. Fastener, slide
6. Screen Wall
7. Pole, upright, 6 ft 2 in (1.950-meters)
8. Pin, tent, 16 in. (40.600-cm)
Figure 1-2. Exterior View of Tent Major Components.