TM 10-7360-211-13&P
Change 6 1-2
1-1. SCOPE.
a. Type of Manual. Operator's, Unit, and Direct Support Maintenance Manual.
b. Model Number and Equipment Name. Food Sanitation Center (FSC) NSN 7360-01-277-2558,
c. Purpose of Equipment. For sanitizing utensils and equipment used with the Modular Field Kitchen (MFK) which
is covered in TM 10-7360-208-13&P. It is also used with the Trailer Mounted Field Kitchen, which is covered in
TM 10-7360-206-13.
d. Equipment Requirements.
(1) The FSC includes the equipment required by Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 94B/94F personnel for
sanitizing pots, pans, and utensils used to feed troops in the field.
(2) The FSC requires water and gasoline to operate.
To support the sanitizing requirements of the Modular Field Kitchen the tools and ancillary items supplied
with the MFK will be used jointly to service and support the FSC and MFK.
To support the sanitizing requirements of the Trailer Mounted Field Kitchen the tools and ancillary items
authorized to the Kitchen will be used jointly to service and support the FSC and MFK.
1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment
maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM 738-751, The Army Maintenance Management Sys-terns
Center needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you
don't like about your equipment. Let us know why you don't like the design or performance. Put it on an SF 368
(Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to us at Commander, U.S. Army Soldier, Biological and Chemical Command,
A'TTN: AMSSB-RIM- E(N), Kansas St., Natick, MA 01760. We will send you a reply.
1-4. DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIAL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE. Refer to TM 750-244-3 for procedures
covering the destruction of Army material to prevent enemy use.
1-5. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT. Refer to para 4-15 for procedures used to prepare the FSC
for storage or shipment.
a. Administrative Storage.
(1) Placement of equipment in administrative storage should be for short periods of time when a shortage
of maintenance efforts exists. Items should be in mission readiness within 24 hours or within the time
factors as determined by the directing authority. During the storage period appropriate maintenance records
will be kept.
(2) Before placing equipment in administrative storage, current Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Services (PMCS) should be completed, shortcomings and deficiencies should be corrected, and all Modifi-
cation Work Orders (MWO's) should be applied.
b. Storage Site Selection. Inside storage is preferred for items selected for administrative storage. If inside storage
is not available, trucks, vans, conex containers and other containers may be used.