TM 10-5411-205-13
Delamination Repair (cont).
(5) Utilizing a plastic cartridge (similar to a caulking cartridge) containing the
mixed adhesive material, use a caulking gun to force mixed adhesive directly
into the clearance holes in the guidelines as follows
The following repair procedures must be accomplished within one
hour of mixing adhesive. Do not attempt any repair unless temper-
ature is between 600F and 85oF.
Place nozzle of caulking gun in center hole of delaminated area and inject
adhesive into space.
When space is filled with adhesive, remove caulking gun and using a
roller, knead or roll lightly over adhesive filled panel surface, making
certain adhesive fills all areas and that air entrapment and surplus ad-
hesive is moved out through pressure release holes.
Seal center hole with masking tape.
Alcohol solvents are flammable. Keep away from heat, sparks, and
open flame. Keep containers closed when not used. Use only with
repeated contact with skin.
Using a soft cloth lightly coated
adhesive filled panel surface.
Cover adhesive filled panel with
adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors or
with solvent, remove excess adhesive from
a sheet of polyethylene.
Place a 1/2 inch plywood sheet or equivalent against polyethylene sheet
and apply an even surface pressure (bracing is sufficient) over repaired
area for at least 24 hours.
After adhesive has been allowed to cure the required time, remove
plywood and polyethylene sheet.
Sand the repaired area with sandpaper to remove excess cured adhesive.
Redrill a .190 diameter (#11 drill) by 5/8 inch deep hole at each of the
holes previously drilled in paragraphs 4-37. b.(2) and 4-37.b.(3). Slightly
countersink the drilled hole with a punch (.062 by 120 degrees) and install
a 3/16 inch diameter countersunk pop rivet (AK66H).
Fill the hollow core portions of pop rivet and any surrounding uneven
surface with body filler material, allowing to dry for 1 hour.