TM 10-5410-223-14/1
(4) Repairing cemented seams and replacing
cemented parts, Repair separated or damaged
If the old patch is off or has been removed, install
oversize patch to replace old patch.
cemented seams and parts as follows:
(a) Repair a one inch (2.54 cm) patch with a
(a) Carefully peel the cemented parts to
three inch (7.62 cm) patch, a two inch (5.06 cm)
separate, keeping the cloth soaked with solvent as
patch with six inch (15.24 cm) patch and all larger
the parts are peeled apart. Examine the separated
patches with a patch extending three inches (7.62
parts for damage and repair damage by patching or
cm) beyond the old area.
replacement, before re-cementing parts.
(b) Clean the area to be cemented and the
(b) Thoroughly clean surfaces to be cemented
applicable side of the patch as described in
as described in paragraph (1), above.
paragraph (1), above.
(c) Apply adhesive as described in paragraph
(1), above. Activate about 10 to 12 inches (25.4 to
(c) APPlY adhesive and activate adhesive as
described in-paragraph (1), above.
30.48 cm) of the adhesive surfaces at a time as
described in paragraph, above. Allow the activating
(d) Install new patch and use roller with
pressure to bond patch.
solvent to evaporate slightly (not wet) and press
(6) Replace irreparable air lock adapter,
together about six to eight inches (15.24 to 20.32 cm)
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-3 and install the
of the seam to ensure that no more seal will be joined
air lock adapter.
at a time than has been activated.
(d) Join seams gradually. Press the surfaces
4-16. Air Lock Assembly
together by moving the finger or thumb along the
seam. Squeeze out all air bubbles from between the
The below listed removal instructions cover removing
adhesive surfaces.
an air lock assembly already in the erected position,
(e) Roll each six to eight inch (15.24 to 20.32
a. Removal.
cm) section immediately with the roller provided in
the repair kit. When the seam is completely joined,
from the air lock assembly.
reroll the length of the seam with roller.
(2) Remove the short and long guy lines (2 and
(5) Replacing repair patches (patches over
holes, tears, etc. ). If a repair patch loosens at the
(3) Remove the bow assemblies (4) and remove
edges, do not remove the complete patch for repair;
the air lock (5) from the shelter.
cut off loose or fringed ends and cover the old patch
with a new larger patch as follows: