TM 5-4210-221-14/1
Figure 2-2. Power Output Panel Assembly (TS 013681)
electrical power for alternate connection of the air lock
connecting a humidistat from the humidifier system,
light assembly.
when used. The right end of the power panel includes a
e. Emergency Surgery Light Power Supply Inlet
means for attaching and electrically connecting a
Receptacle. The emergency surgery light power supply
thermostat from the temperature control system, when
Two connectors are provided for supplying
inlet receptacle provides a connection for an emergency
120/208 volts, 400 Hz power for sterilizer cabinets, when
light power supply.
used; and one connector for sup)l)lying 120/240 volts, 6()
lz power for an X-ray machine, when used.
Power Distribution Panel
b. Circuit Breaker, Panel. The circuit breaker panel
provides protection for shelter electrical circuits. Circuit
a. Power Distribution Panel.
breakers are push-pull type, which when overloaded will
distribution panel (fig. 2-3) is located above the access
pop to the open position. Circuit breakers ma-y be reset
door on the inside of the 'rear, center section wall. The
by pressing in to close the circuit after overload condition
panel contains all circuit breakers for shelter electrical
has been corrected. For location and function of circuit
systems with a hinged door for access. Three toggle
switches are provided to operate the 28 volt dc ceiling
mounted surgery lights and emergency light when used.
The left end of the power panel includes a means for
attaching and electrically TS013681