Rev. D
The approximate weight of the HET Crew Protection Armor Kit is listed in Table 1-1.
Part Nomenclature
Weight (lb)
Kit, HET Crew Protection Armor
Total Kit Weight
Total Weight of Removed Items
Total Weight Increase to Vehicle
* Does not include weight of A/C kit, suspension upgrades, or cab mount upgrades.
The HET Crew Protection Armor Kit consists of two Armored Doors, Roof Armor, Transparent Windshield
Armor, four Underbody and two Wheel-Well Blast Deflectors, six Doghouse Armored Panels, three Firewall
Panels, Forward and Rear Side Armor Panels, one Large Rear Cab Armor Panel, and a Rear Armored Escape
This armored solution begins by securing a large Armor Roof Panel in place from which the side and rear armor
panels are hung. Additional support is provided by using brackets and GR8 fasteners that are connected to the
lower frame rails of the cab. In addition, the Underbody, Wheel-Well, Doghouse, Firewall and Front Armor areas
are all interconnected by a series of 90 Joiner Brackets strategically located throughout the design. This
approach allows the entire armored system to be interdependent and thus distribute the support load and
protection to the cab as effectively as possible.
The new Armored Door Assemblies are bolted to the existing door frames using a new, heavy-duty hinge design.
They include sliding, transparent armored windows with combat locks on both the windows and doors.
For emergency situations, two new quick-release bracket assemblies were incorporated into the backseat seat-
back. When necessary, the release pins are easily removed allowing the seat-back to drop out of the way and
allowing full access to the Armored Escape Hatch mounted to the Rear Armor Panel. The Escape Hatch
Assembly is designed to be quickly disengaged using four over-center latches and pushed out, dropping to the
ground no matter the position of the vehicle, providing a rapid exit.
JUNE 2005