Installation Manual P/N 0257550622-00
Freightliner M915 / M916 -
(Doc No.: II113500-1 D)
Crew Protection Kit
RH Corner (1 of 10).
LH Corner (2 of 10).
5. Install brackets #802 and #803 in the locations shown in Figures 5-33 and 5-34. Raise roof
panel #818 into position on the right side of the cab ceiling (reference Figure 5-35). Rest the
outboard side of the panel on top of the upper edge of overlap #802. Temporarily support
the inboard side of the roof panel with the telescopic roof support assembly, #008. Install
only the outboard fasteners connecting the roof panel #818 to the side overlap #802.
6. Raise the left side roof panel #817 into position on the left side of the cab ceiling (reference
Figure 5-36). Rest the outboard side of
the panel on
top of
the upper edge of
overlap #802
(reference Figure 5-36). Install the outboard fasteners connecting the roof panel #817 to
corner overlap #803. Also, install fasteners connecting roof panel #817 to roof panel #818.
Use the supplied Telescopic Stand #008 to support the roof during installation.