TM 9-4931-374-13&P
PA ...............................................Item procured and stocked for anticipated or
PG ..............................................Item procured and stocked to provide for
known usage.
sustained support for the life of the
equipment. It is applied to an item peculiar
PB ...............................................Item procured and stocked for insurance
to the equipment which, because of probable
purpose because essentiality dictates that a
discontinuance or shutdown of production
minimum quantity be available in the supply
facilities, would prove uneconomical to
reproduce at a later time.
PC...............................................Item procured and stocked and which
KD...............................................An item of a depot overhaul/repair kit and
otherwise would be coded PA except that it
not purchased separately. Depot kit defined
is deteriorative in nature.
as a kit that provides items required at the
time of overhaul or repair.
PD...............................................Support item, excluding support equipment,
KF ...............................................An item of a maintenance kit and not
stocked only for subsequent or additional
purchased separately.
Maintenance kit
defined as a kit that provides an item that
automatic replenishment.
can be replaced at organizational or
intermediate levels of maintenance.
PE ...............................................Support equipment procured and stocked for
initial issue or outfitting to specified
KB ...............................................Item included in both a depot overhaul/repair
maintenance repair activities.
kit and a maintenance kit.
PF ...............................................Support equipment which will not be stocked
MO ..............................................Item to be manufactured or fabricated at
but which will be centrally procured on
organizational level.