TM 9-4931-374-13&P
c. Equipment Storage Chest. The equipment storage chest (furnished
e. Machinist's Vise. The machinist's vise is mounted on the left table; it
with shelter) is used to store miscellaneous equipment. The equipment
has two jaws which can be adjusted to grip objects.
storage chest sits on the shelter floor. During stowed conditions it is secured
to the floor, just inside the cargo door, with straps and tiedown rings.
f. Magnifier Instrument.
The magnifier instrument is permanently
mounted on the right table.
d. Fire Extinguisher and First Aid Kit. The fire extinguisher and first aid
kit are mounted on the inside of the personnel door.
g. Power Supply. The power supply is permanently mounted to the
shelter floor at the cargo door end of the right table by two braces. A cable
assembly is furnished to connect the power supply to the power distribution
panel which is used for test procedures.
The left table and right table references
mean the two tables seen while standing
in the cargo doorway and looking into the
shop set at that entrance. This applies
throughout chapter 1.