TM 9-2330-275-14&P
4-12. GENERAL.
Before doing any troubleshooting, make sure you have performed all the
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) that address the problem
area or system.
a. This section contains troubleshooting information for locating and correcting the troubles that may develop
when operating the Dolly Set(s). The Unit Troubleshooting Fault Symptom Index follows these general instructions
as listed at the beginning of Section IV. Fault symptoms are listed by SYSTEM, FAULT NUMBER, and FAULT
SYMPTOM. Under FAULT SYMPTOM you will find a brief description, such as Dim or Flickering Lights, or a brief
description followed by additional, specific information, such as, Brakes Do Not Apply/Weak Brakes, Grabbing or
Uneven Braking Action.
b. Each malfunction for a component or system is followed by an Initial Setup block that lists tools, supplies,
or additional personnel needed, plus a list of equipment conditions. The equipment conditions list tells you things you
need to do before performing the actual troubleshooting procedure.
c. Before performing any troubleshooting, you are required to review the warning summary pages in the front
of this manual and heed all warnings related to the area you are going to work on. In addition to the warnings on the
summary pages, other WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE entries may follow the Initial Setup block; these entries
precede the step to which they apply and are to be considered part of the task.
d. The Initial Setup block is followed by a list of checks (tests or inspections), in the form of a branching logic
tree that will help you determine corrective actions to take.
e. Before starting the procedures as written, do a brief but thorough inspection of the system/subsystems you
are dealing with. Look for obvious damage or indications of problems, such as burned or charred wires or paint, broken
wires, or loose or missing hardware. Next, starting with the first block, step A, perform the checks in the order given,
then answer the question that follows with either YES or NO. Follow the YES or NO path to the next step, and so
on, until the problem is either fixed or referred to support maintenance for correction. Follow-on maintenance is listed
at the end of the task, if needed. A fault is considered corrected only when the end item has been repaired and is
returned to a fully mission-capable condition.
f. This manual cannot list all malfunctions that may occur, nor all possible tests, inspections, or corrective
actions. If a malfunction is not listed or is not corrected by using the information given, notify your supervisor.
g. When troubleshooting the electrical system, you must disconnect the intervehicular cable (IVC) and set it
aside before you make any continuity checks with your multimeter. This is a safety requirement and shell be followed
at all times.