TM 10-8340-222-10
stovepipe opening can be protected by a canvas flap.
Snow Cloths. There is a snow cloth sewed to
the bottom of each side of the tent. When the tent is
pitched, the snow cloths are flat on the ground on the
outside of the tent. Snow is deposited on the snow
cloths for insulation purposes.
Screen Doors. Screen doors are attached to the
front and rear of the tent for protection against insects.
Sock Lines. Four sock lines are provided for
drying clothing and equipment.
Liner. A fire-resistant liner, made of 5.2-ounce
permeable cotton sheeting, is provided to insulate the
tent and to prevent front from falling on the occupants.
The liner is held in place by metal toggles.
Cover. The tent is provided with a cover for use
when it is in storage or is being transported. The tent
and liner, when folded fit into the cover. Aluminum tent
pins are nested and the magnesium pole telescoped to
its shortest length and placed in the packet at one side
of the cover.
1-7. Tent, Assembly, M-1942
Description and Use. The assembly tent
(fig. 1-2) is a large general purpose tent, with a
rectangular middle section and rounded hip-roofed ends.
The top is made in four sections which lace together; two
middle sections and two rounded end sections. The
sidewall is in four sections. There are three chains and
supporting rings and three sets of block and tackle with
lines. Since the tent is sectional in construction, it may
be extended to any desired length by means of
additional middle and wall sections. Two end sections
can be joined and used with two wall sections to form a
circular tent. The assembly tent is used for church
services, lectures, and for showing movies. It may also
be used for storage, for quartering personnel, or for any
other authorized purpose. When used for quartering
personnel, it has a capacity of approximately 80 men.
Material. The middle and end sections are
made of 12.29-ounce duck which is coated with a fire,
water, weather, and mildew-resistant compound. The
wall sections are made of 9.85-ounce duck.
Door Openings. The tent has four door
openings, each of which is made by the overlapping of a
panel and a half of sidewall where two sections of the
sidewall meet. The sidewalls may be shifted so that the
openings come anywhere as long as the same
Ventilation. There are four built-in ventilators,
one to each side-wall section. The tent can also be
ventilated by rolling up the sidewalls and tying them with
the attached tie tapes; or if it is raining, by extending the
sidewall and tying it to the lines running from the eaves.
The doors can also be tied back and the opening used
for ventilation.
Heating. Four M-1941 tent stoves or two
external 250,000-B.T.U. tent heaters, are used to heat
the tent. The built-in ventilators are used as stovepipe
openings when M-1941 tent stoves are used.
Covers. The tent is provided with six covers for
use when in storage or when being transported.
1-8. Tent, Command Post, M-1945
Description and Use. The central part of the
command post tent (fig. 1-3) is A-shaped. The ends are
hip-roofed with converging sidewalls. The tent is used to
provide space for staff sections, accommodating three
men and the necessary folding tables and office
equipment. It may also be used for quartering of three
officers or as a battalion aid station, the blackout
vestibule being long enough to accommodate a litter and
Material. The tent is made of 12.29-ounce duck
which is coated with a fire, water, weather, and mildew-
resistant compound. The canvas is supported on a
webbing framework which carries the weight of the
canvas. Fair-leads carry the stress between webbing
and eave lines and eliminate friction between eave and
eave lines. The tent walls, tent top, and sod cloth are
constructed of one piece.
1-9. Tent, Lightweight, M-1950
Description and Use. The M-1950 lightweight
tent (fig. 1-4) is a six-sided pyramidal tent, supported by
a telescopic center pole. It is used to provide shelter for
personnel operating in extremely cold-dry or cold-wet
areas. Normally, the tent will accommodate five men
and their individual clothing and equipment; under
emergency conditions, the tent will provide shelter for
five men sleeping and one on watch.
Material. The tent is made of plied yarn, wind-
resistant, sateen cotton cloth which is coated with fire,
water, weather and mildew-resistant compound; it
weighs approximately 9 ounces per square yard.
Door. The tent has one door 5 feet high, which
is located in the center of one side. Door flaps may be
closed either by the slide fastener or by loops over wood