used per instructions in TM 10-269. Small holes up to
area turn the edges under, and stitch with a row of
stitching 1/8 inch from edge. Superimpose the opposing
1I8 inch in size may be sealed with a dab of cement
applied on the inside of the shelter. To seal a small
patch, turn edges under so that patched aline on each
side, and stitch with a row of stitching 1/8 inch from
hole, such as a spark hole, work on the inside surface as
(1) Clean the area around hole to be sealed.
(2) Apply a dab of patching cement to the hole
area and work the cement into the fabric immediately
Watershed patches shall be used except on
surrounding the hole. Work cement until hole is sealed.
ridge where rectangular style patch is to be
Use diamond shaped patches on
ventilator and tunnel.
c. Cement Patches. Cement patches may be
6-9. Grommets
6-4. Netting, Two-Man Mountain Tent
Reset loose grommets and replace damaged. corroded.
a. Darn all holes or tears that do not exceed 1/2
and improperly located grommets with those specified in
inch in any direction.
b. Replace netting that is torn or damaged with a
c. Patch holes and tears that exceed 1/2 inch in any
6-10. Pins. Aluminum
Replace pins that cannot be made serviceable by
cleaning and sharpening with those listed in appendix B.
6-5. Webbing, Reinforcement Straps, Loops, and
Tie Tapes
6-11. Poles and Adapters
a. Darn holes or tears that do not exceed 1/2 inch in
a. Remove dirt. rust. corrosion. and other foreign
any direction.
matter from these items with damp or dry cloth or wire
b. Replace worn. abraded. cut or otherwise
damaged webbing. missing tie tapes and loops (refer to
b. Paint items with enamel (app B), if they are
stained or otherwise unsightly.
c. Restitch loosely attached webbing.
c. Replace unserviceable items with component
6-6. Ventilators and Tunnels, Two-Man Mountain
6-12. Lines and Footstops
a. Repair damaged line by machine stitching or
a. Darn holes and tears that do not exceed 1/2 inch
hand whipping.
in any direction.
Replace missing or irreparable lines and
Replace ventilators and tunnels that are
footstops with new ones.
c. Patch holes and tears that exceed 1/2 inch in an
6-13. Refinishing Tent Pins
6-7. Reinforcements, Two-Man Mountain Tent
by whipping pins thoroughly with clean cloth.
Remove rust or other tightly adhering
Replace defective corner reinforcements with material
c. After cleaning, spray or dip pins with lacquer
Allow pins to dry for
6-8. Snap Fasteners, Two-Man Mountain Tent
approximately one hour on paper, board, or suitable
Reset a loose snap and replace damaged snaps and
clean hard surface.
fasteners by using appropriate eves (refer to