ARMY TM 10-8340-211-13
AIR FORCE TO 35E5-1-101
Before storing, dry tent by hanging it up off the ground in bright sunlight. A tent dried on the ground or
left hanging outdoors after sundown might absorb enough dampness for mildew to start. When
necessary, a tent can be dried indoors. When drying indoors, hang the tent in a well ventilated place,
high enough to permit the tent to be suspended off the floor.
Do not drag tents along the ground or permit it to come in contact with the ground while in storage.
When storing tent, stack it on frames supported by 2-by-4 inch lumber. If the floor is hard surfaced or
wooden, the tent should be at least 4 inches from the floor. If the floor is earthen, the ten should be at
least 8 inches from the ground.
When dampness in the atmosphere is prevalent, fumes should be used between each course to permit
circulation of air between the blocks. The blocks should be separated and reduced to a minimum
number of courses to permit passage of air on all four sides.
(7) When tent is to be stacked near ventilators or openings that may admit moisture, protect tent by packing it
in bag or waterproof covering.
Do not place tent received from the field in bags until tent is thoroughly dried and all dirt removed by
stiff brushes. If any visible signs of mildew are present, hang tent in open air, preferably in the sun.
Give priority of issue to tents that have been in storage the longest. To prevent issue of newly stored
tent before older stocks are exhausted, blocks should be marked in accordance with length of time tent
has been in storage.
(10) When tent is stored in open sheds or in tents, it should be stacked well away from the sides and ends of
shelter (preferably about 2 feet), and items not affected by moisture should be stacked between tents.
(11) Withdraw from storage any tent found to be infected with mildew. Brush with a stiff brush, allow to dry
thoroughly, and issue immediately to installations where driest atmospheric conditions prevail. If there
is no opportunity for immediate issue, segregate infected tent from sound tents to prevent
contamination. Tent which has become unserviceable and cannot be repaired at the unit level of
maintenance shall be shipped to direct support level of maintenance for repair and return to user. If
items are uneconomically repairable in accordance with TB 750-97-27, they shall be salvaged.
4-37. Administrative Storage.
Placement of equipment in administrative storage should be for short periods of time when a shortage of
maintenance effort exists. Items should be in mission readiness within 24 hours or within the time factors as
determined by the directing authority. During the storage period appropriate maintenance records will be kept.
Before placing equipment in administrative storage, current maintenance services and Equipment
Serviceable Criteria (ESC) evaluations should be completed, shortcomings and deficiencies should be
corrected, and all Modification Work Orders (MWO's) should be applied.
Storage site selection. Inside storage is preferred for items selected for administrative storage. If inside
storage is not available, trucks, vans, conex containers and other containers may be used.
4-47/(4-48 blank)