TM 10-8340-208-13
(6) Fold the chape, located along the edges of the tent, under 1/2 inch at each end and box-stitch the chape to
the tent with the proper machine.
(7) Fold the center chape under 1 inch at the ends.
(8) Machine sew the chape to the tent with a single-X box stitch.
(9) Eye-splice a serviceable guy line in the dee ring. (TM 10-269).
(10) Install the securing lines through the dee ring.
b. Replacement of Side Dee Rings and Chapes.
(1) Cut the stitching from the chapes and remove the chape and dee ring (11, fig. 1-1) from the tent.
If the dee ring is damaged, remove it from securing line (7).
(2) Cut a 5-inch long chape from the proper 1-inch bulk webbing.
(3) Loop the chape through a serviceable dee ring and place the two ends together under the dee ring.
(4) Place the chape, with the dee ring, on the tent with the chape ends down.
(5) Use the proper machine to sew each fold of the chape to the tent with a single-X box stitch.
(6) Install the securing line through the dee ring.
c. Replacement of Loop.
(1) Cut the stitching from the damaged loop (10, fig. 1-1) and remove the loop from the tent and the guy line
(2) Cut a new 8-1/4-inch long loop from the proper bulk webbing with a width of 1 inch. Cut a 4-inch long loop
reinforcement from the same bulk webbing.
(3) Measure a distance of 2 1/8 inches from each end of the new loop and mark the measurements. Place the
reinforcement on the loop between the two marks and machine sew the loop and reinforcement together with a single-X
box stitch.
(4) Put the loop through the eye splice on a serviceable guy line.
Be certain the reinforcement is against the eye splice of the guy line.
(5) Move the ends of the loop in place on the tent and machine sew the loop ends to the tent with a reinforcing
5-5. Reinforcements
a. Replacement of Corner Reinforcements.
(2) Remove enough of the stitching along the edge of the tent to permit removal of the reinforcement (15).
(3) Remove the stitching from the reinforcement and remove the damaged reinforcement from the tent.
(4) Cut a 29-1/2-inch square from the bulk tent cloth to make the new reinforcement.
(5) Make a diagonal fold in the new reinforcement and put it in place on the tent.
(6) Refold the edge of the tent over the edge of the reinforcement and machine sew the reinforcement along the
tent edge and folded side of the reinforcement with a straight stitch.
b. Replacement of Loop Reinforcements.
(3) Cut enough of the stitching along the edge of the tent to remove the loop reinforcement (12) from the tent.
(4) Cut the loop reinforcement stitching and remove the loop reinforcement from the tent.
(5) Use the bulk tent cloth fabricate a new reinforcement.
(6) Fold the loop reinforcement along the fold lines (fig. 5-1).
(7) Put the loop reinforcement in place on the tent and refold the tent edge over the loop reinforcement.
(8) Machine sew the loop reinforcement along the tent edge with a straight stitch and along the two remaining
edges with a double straight stitch.
(9) Machine sew the chape and dee ring to the tent (para. 5-4).
c. Replacement of Center Reinforcements.
(1) Remove the tiedown straps (3, fig. 1-1) from the damaged center reinforcement (6) and from the tent (para.