TM 10-8340-205-13&P
a. General. Most tents are mildew resistant. This does not mean that they are not subject to mildew.
Under war and damp conditions, especially in tropical and jungle areas, tents may be ruined by
mildew in a few days if proper care is not taken.
b. Preventing Mildew.
(1) Never fold or roll tent when wet. Even if it is only damp from dew, it will mildew when stored.
Make sure the seams and edges of the tent, especially the bottom edge, and the sod cloth are dry
and dean.
(2) When storing or transporting the tent, keep poles and pins separate from the tent. Make sure the
pins and poles are cleaned and dried before being stored.
(3) Keep tent clean at all times. The growth of fungi and mold is caused, to some extent, by tree
drippings, oils greases, and starches, which accumulate on tentage.
(4) Before storing, dry tent by hanging it off the ground in bright sunlight. A tent dried on the ground or
left hanging outdoors after sundown, may absorb enough moisture for mildew to start. When
necessary, tent can be dried indoors. When drying indoors, hang the tent in a well ventilated place,
high enough to permit the tent to be suspended off the floor or ground.
Only lumber that has been thoroughly cured should be used for dunnage. The
moisture contained in green lumber will promote the growth of mildew.
(5) When storing the tent, stack it on dunnage supported by 2-by-4-inch (5.080-by-10.160-cm) lumber.
If the floor is hard surfaced or wooden, the tentage should be at least 4-inches (10.160-cm) from
the floor. If the floor is earthen, the tentage should be at least 8-inches (20.320-cm) from the
(6) When moisture (high humidity) is in the air, dunnage should be used between each course to
permit circulation of air between the blocks. The blocks should be separated and reduced to a
minimum number of course to allow passage of air on all four sides.
(7) If the tent is stacked near ventilators or other openings that may admit moisture, protect the tent by
packing in waterproof covering.
(8) Do not place tentage received from the field in bags until tent is thoroughly dried and all dirt
removed with stiff brushes. If any visible signs of mildew are present; hang tent in the open air,
preferably in the sun.
(9) Give priority of issue to tentage that has been in storage the longest. To prevent issue of newly
stored tentage before older stocks are exhausted, blocks should be marked according to length of
time tentage has been in storage.
(10) When tentage is stored in open sheds or in tents, it should be stacked well away from the sides
and ends of the shelter (about 2-feet) (0.610-m) Items not affected by moisture should be stacked
between tentage am outer edges of shelter.
(11) During routine inspections, any tentage found to have mildew, immediately remove from storage.
Remove mildew from contaminated areas with a stiff brush, allow to dry thoroughly, and issue on
a priority basis. If the tent cannot be issued immediately, segregate from good tentage to prevent
contamination from spreading. Tents containing extensive damage should be evacuated to direct
support maintenance for repair.