TM 10-5411-235-13
0001 00
after any severe storm or drastic environmental change, inspect all equipment for damage. The
following are examples of things to look for during visual inspections:
LMS I Shelter to be prepared for administrative storage must be given a limited technical
inspection and processed as prescribed on DD Form 1397. The results of the inspection
and classification will be entered on DA Form 2404.
Condition of preservatives and seals. Seals may develop leaks during storage, during
exercise, or shortly thereafter. If leaking continues, refer to repair procedures in this
manual or notify supervisor.
Missing or damaged parts.
Water accumulation in components.
Any other readily recognizable shortcomings or deficiencies.
Inspect shelf life items per Army Master Data File (AMDF).
Receipt for Storage.
When received for storage and already processed for domestic shipment by the
manufacturer, as indicated on DD Form 1397, the vehicle will not be reprocessed unless
inspection performed on receipt of materiel reveals corrosion, deterioration, etc.
Upon receipt from manufacturer, if the processing data on the shipping tag indicates that
preservation has been rendered ineffective by operation or by freight shipping damage,
completely process the LMS Type 1 Shelter.
Prepare a SF 364 for all shipments received in a damaged or otherwise unsatisfactory
condition due to deficiencies in preservation, packaging, marking, handling, loading, storage
and for apparent excessive over-packing.
Exercise of Equipment. Exercise equipment before administrative storage if schedule calls for
exercising during administrative storage. Limit de-preservation to removal of materials that will
restrict exercising. Perform the BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER operational checks in
accordance with this manual. Immediately take action to correct shortcomings and deficiencies
noted. Note inspection and exercise results on DA Form 2404. Record and report maintenance
action on DA Form 2407. After exercising, restore the preservation to the original condition.
Rotation. To assure utilization of all assigned material, rotate items in accordance with any
rotational plan that will keep equipment in an operational condition and reduce maintenance
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