Figure 1-1. Expandable shelter - TM-10-5410-224-140018CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-5410-224-140019Figure 1-2. Dimensions of the expandable shelterFigure 1-3. General arrangement of the expandable shelterTabulated Data.CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-5410-224-140023Figure 2-1. Power entrance panel and circuit breaker panelFigure 2-2. Ventilation fan switchTable 2-1. Circuit Breakers, Receptacles, and Switches - TM-10-5410-224-140026Table 2-1. Circuit Breakers, Receptacles, and Switches - TM-10-5410-224-140027CHAPTER 3 OPERATOR / ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 3-1. Stowage Locations (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 3-1. Stowage locations (Sheet 2 of 3)Table 3-1. Inspection Upon Receipt of Expandable ShelterShelter Conversion.Figure 3-3. Leveling jack deploymentFigure 3-4. Leveling jack installationFigure 3-5. Deployment of foldout roof panelFigure 3-6. Deployment of foldout floor panelFigure 3-7, Deployment of foldout end wellFigure 3-8. Unlocking swingout wallsFigure 3-9. Deployment of swingout wallsFigure 3-10. Anchor installationFive-pound sledge hammerFigure 3-11. Electrical installation (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 3-11. Electrical installation (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 9-12. ECU panel in closed positionFigure 3-13. ECU panel, inside viewFigure 3-14. Deployment of ECU panelSection II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITESection III. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTSection IV. LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTable 3-3. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services ContinuedTable 3-4. Organizational Maintenance TroubleshootingSection VII. MAINTENANCE OF SHELTER BODYFigure 3-15. Repairing minor panel damageReplacing shelter sealsFoldout End WallsPersonnel and Cargo End Panels.Figure 3-16. Personnel end panel assemblyPersonnel and Cargo End Panels. Figure 3-17. Safety cable, latch assembly, and related partsFigure 3-18. Mobilizer fitting and shear plateFigure 3-19. Strikes and related partsFigure 3-20. Personnel and right cargo doors handle and lockFigure 9-21. Personnel and right cargo doors assemblyFigure 3-22. Personnel and cargo doors vent installationFigure 3-23. Cargo end panel assemblyNOTE - TM-10-5410-224-140067igure 3-24. Left cargo door assemblySection VIII. MAINTENANCE OD ELECTRICAL SYSTEMWiring, Receptacles, and OutletsFigure 3-26. Exterior light assemblyVentilation Fans.Figure 3-27. Ventilation fan assemblyECU's.CHAPTER 4 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-5410-224-140075Table 4-1. Direct and General Support Maintenance TroubleshootingFigure 4-1. Field installation of insertsSection IV. Figure 4-1. Field installation of insertsFigure 4-2. Swingout wall assemblyFigure 4-3. Foldout end wall assemblyFigure 4-4. Swingout wall hingeFoldout Floor PanelsFoldout Floor Panels.Foldout Roof PanelsFigure 4-6. Foldout roof panel assemblyFigure 4-7. Circuit breaker panel assemblyElectrical System Circuit Breaker Panel cont'dCHAPTER 5 REPAIR OF SWINGOUT WALLSCHAPTER 6 REPAIR OF FOLDOUT END WALLSFigure 6-1. Seal and frame assemblyFigure 6-2. ECU panel assemblyInstallation - TM-10-5410-224-140094CHAPTER 7 REPAIR OF FOLDOUT FLOOR PANELSCHAPTER 8 REPAIR OF FOLDOUT ROOF PANELSFigure 8-1. Support strut assembly and related partsCHAPTER 9 REPAIR OF CENTER STRUCTURE ROOF PANELFigure 9-1. Center structure roof panel assemblyFigure 9-2. Fan stowage installationFigure 9-3. Ceiling light retainer assemblyCHAPTER 10 REPAIR OF PERSONNEL AND CARGO END PANELSFigure 10-1. Ring and stud assembly and lift fittingCHAPTER 11 REPAIR OF CENTER STRUCTURE FLOOR PANELFigure 11-1. Center structure floor panelInspection and Repair cont'd - TM-10-5410-224-140107Figure 11-2. Fixed floor skids and tine guide assemblyInspection and Repair cont'd - TM-10-5410-224-140109CHAPTER 12 REPAIR OF CIRCUIT BREAKER PANELAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-5410-224-140113APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LISTSection II. Integral Components of End Item - TM-10-5410-224-140116APPENDIX D MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Maintenance Functions cont'dExplanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II - TM-10-5410-224-140119Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-10-5410-224-140120Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - TM-10-5410-224-140121Section II. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) - TM-10-5410-224-140122Section IV. REMARKS FOR HELTER, EXPANDABLE FOR SHOP, PORTABLE, AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE (SPAM)TM-10-5410-224-14 Shelter Expandable for Shop Portable Aircraftmaintenance (SPAM) NSN 5410-01-003-2933 Manual