TM 10-5410-223-14/1
Section I. GENERAL
(4) If a stream is nearby, throw loose parts into
1-1. Scope
the water. Bury or scatter remaining parts.
This manual is for your use in operating and
Model CW1
t h e Brunswick
explosives are available, charges should be placed in
Multipurpose Shelter.
the following areas.
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
(1) Inside shelter.
a. DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request Used for
(2) Under shelter.
Requesting Support Maintenance).
c. For further information refer to TM 750=244-3
b. DA Form 2407-1 (Continuation Sheet Used for
(Procedures for Demolition of Equipment to
Requesting Support Maintenance).
Prevent Enemy Use.)
c. For further information refer to TM 38-750
1-5. Administrative Storage
(The Army Maintenance Management System).
a. Store equipment so as to provide maximum
1-3. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC)
available protection from the elements and to
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
provide access for inspection, maintenece, and
exercising. Anticipate removal or deployment
1-4. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
problems and take suitable precautions.
Enemy Use
b. Take into account environmental conditions,
Destruction of the shelter can be accomplished by
such as, extreme heat or cold; high humidity;
using the following methods:
blowing sand, dust, or loose debris; soft ground;
a. Destruction by Hand. Destroy the same parts
on all similar equipment to prevent enemy use
thereof and take adequate precautions.
through cannibalization.
c. Establish a fire plan and provide for adequate
(1) Use sledge hammers, axes, crowbars, or any
firefighting equipment and personnel.
other heavy tools to smash the components.
d. For further information refer to TM 740-90-1
(2) Slash fabric.
(Administrative Storage of Equipment).
(3) Remove easily removable assemblies.
provide for installation of electrical and plumbing
1-6. Description
connection components. Two openings in the roof
provide points for connation of conditioned air
an expandable shelter that functions as a shipping
ducts as required when the shelter is used as an
container for inflatable shelter elements in their
utility shelter. A double door in one end provides
collapsed mode and as utility shelter in the expanded
access to the shelter interior. Provisions are in-
mode. The basic shelter is constructed of a
corporated around the doors for connection of an air
aluminum-faced foam-filled honeycomb panels. The
lock adapter if required. Four leveling jacks,
shelter expands on one side, the expanded area is
manually operated, screw-type are provided on the
enclosed at the ends and side by a fabric enclosure
shelter allowing vertical adjustment to compensate
and insulating panels which also provides two
for inrregular terrain. The maintenance paragraphs of
windows. The interior of the shelter provides at-
this manual contain detailed descriptions of all
tachments and fixtures for tiedown of cargo when
used as a shipping container. Removable panels