TM 10-5410-221-34P-1
Abbreviations (Cont)
REC ......................... Recessed
RH ........................... Right Hand
SOC ......................... Socket
STD ......................... Standard
STDP ....................... Single throw; double pole
THD ......................... Thread
THK ......................... Thick
UN ........................... Unified
UNC ......................... Unified coarse
UNF ......................... Unified fine
UNIV ........................ Universal
V .............................. Volt
VDC ......................... Volts direct current
W ............................. Watt
7. Reporting of Errors
You can help to improve this manual by calling attention
to errors and by recommending improvements. Your
letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
Publications), and/or DA Form 2028-2 (Recommended
Changes to Equipment Technical Manuals), may be
used. Copies of DA form 2028-2 are attached in the
back of the manual for your use. Please mail your
recommended changes directly to Commander, U.S.
Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTR-MCTS,
4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798. A
reply will be furnished directly to you.
Change 1 4