TM 10-5410-221-14/1
(2) Position transporter sections at ends of
12-1. General
shelter adjacent to mobilizer brackets at ends of shelter
This chapter provides instructions for handling,
(fig. 12-1).
shipment, and limited storage of the expandable shelter.
(3) Position transporter brackets to connect with
Reference TM740-90-1 for additional data.
shelter brackets and secure transporter to shelter.
(4) Operate
12-2. Handling
transporter manufacturer's instructions to raise shelter to
a. General. Handling of the shelter may be
towing height.
accomplished by crane hoist hooked to the lifting eyes on
(5) Connect towing equipment to transporter tow
the shelter, wheeled transporter, and may be skidded for
bar or manually move shelter to desired position.
short distances. See figure 12-1 for location and
(6) When shelter is in desired position, operate
identification of handling points and hardware. Perform
transporter to lower shelter and remove transporter
the various handling operations as follows:
b. Hoisting. Attach a hoisting sling 7,500 pound
d. Skidding. Attach a cable or chain sling to towing
(3,450 kg) minimum capacity to the four hoist rings (fig.
rings identified-on the shelter and shown in figure 12-1
12-1). Secure hoisting sling to a crane or other hoisting
and connect to suitable equipment for skidding the
device capable of hoisting a minimum of 9,000 pounds
(4,050 kg) and hoist to the desired location.
Limit skidding of the shelter to short
Do not use lifting equipment with capacity
distances over smooth level terrain to
of less than 9,000 pounds. (4,050 kg). Do
prevent damage to shelter skids.
not allow shelter to swing back and forth
when it is suspended. Failure to observe
12-3. Preparation of Equipment for Shipment
this warning may result in damage to
a. Inspection. Examine the item for any unusual
equipment or severe injury or death to
conditions such as damage or missing components.
Inspect the item in accordance with steps outlined in
Weekly Preventive Maintenance Services. Deficiencies
and shortcomings along with corrective action taken will
Do not attach hoisting sling to the
be recorded on DA Form 2404 (TM 38-750).
lifting equipment in such a manner that
b. Preparation for Shipment. The following items
the angle between any of the hoist lines
shall be performed prior to folding the shelter for
and the top of the shelter is less than
45 degrees. angle less than 45 degrees
(1) Drain all water from equipment in shelter.
will cause an excessive strain, which
(2) Disconnect dual water hose assembly from
could damage the shelter.
water service box and from water outlet box as
applicable. If provided, disconnect heater receptacle.
c. Wheeled Transporter. A wheeled transporter or
Drain and store hoses. Install covers on all connections
mobilizer may be attached to the shelter to permit towing
and on hose assemblies.
as follows:
(3) Disconnect telephone inlet line from
(1) Separate transporter sections and prepare
telephone jack.
transporter for use observing all recommendations of
(4) Disconnect 400 Hertz and 60 Hertz cables
as applicable. Disconnect emergency light