TM 10-5410-221-14/1
Section I. GENERAL
b. In addition to TM 750-244-3, follow instructions
This manual is for your use in operating and maintain-
(1) Authority. The expandable shelter will be de-
ing the Expandable Shelter, Brunswick Model SE-1.
stroyed only if it is in danger of being captured and used
by the enemy, and only upon the order of the unit com-
Maintenance Forms and Records
a. DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Main-
(2) Method.
tenance Worksheet).
(a) Destroy the same parts on all similar equip-
ment to prevent enemy use through cannibalization. 1.
b. DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request used for
Use sledge hammers, axes, crowbars, or any other
requesting Support Maintenance).
heavy tools to smash the components.
2. Slash electrical wires, cables, cords, hose
c. DA Form 2407-1 (Continuation Sheet used for
and fabric.
requesting Support Maintenance).
3. Remove easily removable assemblies.
d. DA Form 2408-9 (Equipment Control Record).
4. Punch holes in sump drain.
e. DA Form 2408-14 (Uncorrected Fault Record).
5. Destroy electrical controls and lights.
f. For further information refer to DA Pam 738 - 750
6. If a stream is nearby, throw loose parts
(The Army Maintenance Management System).
into the water. Bury or scatter remaining parts.
Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC)
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
charges should be placed in the following areas.
Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent
Enemy Use.
1. Inside shelter.
a. Refer to TM 750-244-3 for instructions on the de-
2. Inside water service box.
struction of the expandable shelter to prevent enemy
a. General. The expandable shelter is an element of
provisions for the attachment of such optional equipment
as a humidifier and 24 volt dc power supply for surgical
the Medical Unit Self Contained, Transportable and pro-
lights. An air lock chamber secured to the shelter over
vides an environment controlled shelter for surgeries,
the door provides an entry and exit vestibule to restrict
laboratories, pharmacies, central material supplies, X-ray
entry of drafts, dust, etc., into the expandable shelter. An
electrical system provides for distribution of 120/240
shelter is an expandable structure constructed of
volts, 60 Hertz and 120/208 volts, 400 Hertz power within
aluminum-faced foam filled honeycomb panels. The
the shelter. A conditioned air duct provides passage for
shelter is supported by a central skid base, and is
conditioned air from an external source to the shelter
equipped with built-in leveling jacks. The basic shelter
through openings in the roof. A repair kit containing tools
includes imbedded inserts for the mounting of medical
and material for minor repairs is provided for expandable
equipment such as surgical lights, intravenous (I.V.)
shelter. A hot and cold water system and vacuum lines
brackets, scrub sinks, sponge racks, X-ray illuminators, a
are provided for convenience.
The maintenance
chart holder, etc., when used as an operating room or
paragraphs of this man-ual contain detailed descriptions
central material supply (CMS).
The shelter has
of all components.
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