Inspect by checking the following:
Inventory contents and check serviceability of screen carrying
case with components) (Chapter 2, Operating Instructions,
Figure 2-2).
Inventory contents and check serviceability of support system
carrying case (with components) (Chapter 2, Operating
Instructions, Figure 2-2).
Replace broken, missing, or unserviceable items immediately through
normal supply channels.
Replace broken shape disrupters; bent, broken, or unusable
support poles and stake anchors.
Replace unrepairable screen modules.
Replace contents of repair kit as necessary.
Repair screens and support system items as necessary in
accordance with Chapter 3, Maintenance Instructions.
Repair screen modules using contents of repair kit in accordance
with Chapter 3.
Repair aluminum support poles by filing off nicks or burrs, and
spot painting as necessary in accordance with Chapter 3.
Unit maintenance will inspect to determine serviceability before
disposal. To determine serviceability: inspect the garnish, base, net
and edge cord for materials that have deteriorated and can be easily
torn. If one or more of the following conditions exists, the net should
be turned in to PDO:
The net can be easily broken in numerous places.
The garnish is dried out and brittle, or 25% of the garnish is
broken away and hanging in a vertical position from the net.
The edge cord has broken away from the net in numerous places
and cannot be reattached to a weak or deteriorated net.
The net has been repeatedly repaired and cannot be supported by
the support system.
Maintenance Expenditure Limits for camouflage reach 65% of
replacement costs to include material and labor. (Refer to
TB 43-0002-42).
TM 5-1080-250-12&P