TM 10-5410-221-14/1
If the needle will not "zero" replace the batteries. If the
needle still will not "zero" after replacing the batteries,
turn the meter in for repair.
Figure 11-2. Zeroing the Meter t, eet of 3) (TS 022254)
3. To measure 24 volts DC, plug red lead into
voltage, do the following steps that match the multimeter
"50V" jack on left side of meter. (If measuring less than
you have:
10 volts DC, use "10V" jack; if measuring less than 2.5
(a) AN/URM-105. Set meter switch to DC volts
volts DC, use "2.5V" jack.)
(c) Simpson 160.
range given in TM. (To measure 24 volts DC, set switch
1. Connect black lead to "COM-" jack.
on "100 DC Volts" range.)
2. Connect red lead to "+" jack.
Set FUNCTION switch to "DIRECT".
(RANGE switch can be at any position.)
3. To measure 24 volts DC, set selector
2. Put black lead in "-DC/+AC/OHMS" jack.
switch to "V/DC 50" position. (If measuring less than 10
volts DC, set selector switch to "V/DC 10"